Innovation is the key to success: this is the concept that drives our team.
For more than 35 years we have been designing and producing cutting-edge moulds thanks to the most modern technologies
and the skills of specialized professionals.
Technology has changed the approach to production processes: how?
At Giurgola Stampi we deeply believe that the production cycle consists of phases in which all resources are actively and constantly involved. Technology cooperates with man and helps him in the production of cutting-edge moulds.
We have invested in Industry 4.0 to ensure that people’s skills are enhanced and amplified by an efficient and controlled production system. Within our production area there is an automated island with anthropomorphic robots, which interconnects three types of technologies: “Die-sinking EDM”, “3-axis milling” and “5-axis milling”. This allows us to be productive 24 hours a day, 7/7.
We seek simplicity in every production phase: from mould design to assembly, also to facilitate the customer in the maintenance phases. Nothing is left to chance.
Thanks to the strong push of automation, the workshop carries out flexible, precise and efficient processes. Technology improves the quality of the final product, but also that of the entire team work: for us the concept of “team work” embodies an extra meaning, because it combines the relationship between man and technology.